The voltage and current requirements depend on the manufacturing technology of the device. The voltage level is not of major concern because most of the semiconductor memory devices operate at TTL voltage levels.
There is a finite time delay between the application of address and the availability of stable and accurate data on the data lines. This memory delay depends on the manufacturing technology and other factors such as size.
What is hard computing? Hard computing is a traditional computing. It requires a precisely stated…
Soft computing is a problem solving technology. It tends to fuse synergically different aspects of…
Cluster computing is an approach to achieve high performance, reliability or high throughput computing by…
Magnitude Comparator is a combinational circuit capable of comparing the relative magnitude of two binary…
Full subtractor is a combinational circuit capable of performing subtraction on two bits namely minuend…
Half-subtractor is a combinational circuit capable of subtracting a binary number from another binary number.…