Cache Memory

10 years ago

The cache memory exists between microprocssor (CPU) and main memory. It is faster than main memory. Its access time is…

Secondary Memory

10 years ago

Secondary memory, also called auxiliary memory, is a mass storage device. It is non-volatile which means that the device retains…

What is service?

11 years ago

Service is a work done by a person or a group of people for the benefit of others. The term,…

Embedded Microprocessor

11 years ago

What is embedded microprocessor? Embedded microprocessors are embedded inside other devices. Usually these processors are used as microcontrollers in devices…


12 years ago

What is microcomputer? Microcomputer is a system that consists of CPU, memory and input-output interface. Here the word micro refers…

Integration Circuit

12 years ago

Integration Circuit (IC) is a small silicon semiconductor crystal called a chip. It contains electrical components such as transistors, decodes,…

Sequential Circuit

12 years ago

The digital circuits are considered as combinational as the outputs depend on the given inputs. Many digital systems have combinational…

What is Counter?

12 years ago

Counter is a sequential circuit that runs through a sequence of states upon the given input pulses. The input pulses…

Asynchronous Counter

12 years ago

Asynchronous counter. The basic idea is to keep the J and K inputs of each flip fop high, such that…

Ripple Counter

12 years ago

When the output of a flip flop is used as the clock input for the next flip flop, the counter…