Some registers in microprocessor are utilized by ALU and the control section for temporary storage of instruction, operands or address…
A stack is an array of registers organized in a last in first out manner. The top of the element…
Status register (SR) is used to store the status of the microprocessor resulting from any arithmetic and logic operation. The…
Program counter is a register used to store the address of the instruction to be executed next in the sequence…
Accumulator is a very important register for operations in microprocessor. It is used as source of one of the operands…
An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside the microprocessor to perform a specific function. In other words, it is…
Instruction cycle is the basic operation regulated by control unit. It consists of sequential fetching and execution of instruction. The…
The control unit controls and synchronizes all the data transfer in microprocessor system. The control unit uses inputs from a…
What is register? Register is a small high speed named memory. It consists of a set of binary storage cells…
What is Addressing Mode? In any microprocessor instruction, the source and the destination can be a register, memory content or…